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Our Mission

The mission of Family Creed, Inc. is to cultivate a generation of youth capable of critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving. Through comprehensive programs, we aim to instill values of leadership, accountability, responsibility, and focus, empowering young individuals to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Our Creed

Learn and Have Fun! Listening is the key to learning, and learning fuels the joy of having fun. By embracing the power of listening and learning, we’ll create an environment where every moment becomes an exciting adventure!

Our Vision

Our vision at Family Creed, Inc. is to foster a community where youth development takes center stage. We are committed to promoting health, literacy, mentoring, and community engagement. By addressing fundamental needs, such as access and affordability of essential resources, effective family support, positive role models, social and emotional well-being, quality education, and holistic health, we aim to create an environment that alleviates community stressors and breaks down barriers. Through these efforts, we aspire to build a brighter future for our youth and the communities they serve.